ezMedSoft Pro is the preferred solution for managing the challenges of day-to-day operations in a clinic. With user-friendly tools configured to the client’s needs, it will be much easier to run your clinic.

optical software, for better, smarter management

The “Optic Soft” optical software by ezMedSoft was created for optometric institutes, optical stores and optical retail chains and enables them to benefit from better, smarter management.

It was created for optometric institutes, optical stores, and optical retail chains. It combines technology at the touch of your fingers, with smart, high quality management tools.

You can manage your optical store easily with smart technology. You can locate a customer through test data or search fields, you can locate purchased items by the customer, you can order stocks online and save money and time. You can record optical tests, manage customer lists, and record and manage customer orders.

Here are other benefits

Manage eyesight tests – Document current eyesight tests and compare with former tests. It connects directly to the eyesight testing device. Our software prevents human error and ensures tests are recorded on the system.
Connect to testing devices – You can connect to testive devices relevant to the optometrist’s daily duties, such as autorefractometer, phoropter and lens meter. Our software saves time, prevents human error, and uses secure technology for the faster transferring of data.

Connect with vendors remotely – Sending orders via the internet saves time and effort on phoning vendors for the optometry clinic. It also prevents possible errors common in manual orders. Waiting times get shorter. And, you can manage your suppler’s inventory for your own clinic’s needs. You can even price the order and compare prices.

Manage all your appointments – You can use this software’s logs concurrently, which saves the hassle of different logs at different times. You can also notify your patients automatically for their products and services, sent by SMS to your patients’ mobile phones.With our software, you can bring efficiency to all your appointment tracking.

Keep track of your financials – You can add the finances and billing features, which includes different payment solutions. You can thus manage the clinic’s finances more effectively.
Market to increase profitability – Last but definitely not least, the software can generate customer segmentation reports and manage special offers and discounts. The “OptiSoft” by ezMedSoft gives you the benefit of streamlining work processes, thus increasing your profitability and lessening your overhead costs. Your staff can effectively market, rather than wasting time and energy on actions that our technology can do for you.

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